2022 - 2023 Iceland, Gardur, Fresh Winds Biennale

Prelude. (2022), Wood, Japanese Paper, Mixed Media, about 203 cm x 35.5 cm x 67 cm (installation height about 167 cm)

プレリュード( 2022)、木、 和紙、 ミクスメディア、 約 203 cm×35.5 cm×67 cm

*Prelude, UK /ˈprel.juːd/ US /ˈprel.juːd/ something that comes before a more important event or action that introduces or prepares for it…

(*Cambridge Dictionary)

1. Wing of Immigration, Size: approx. 160cm x 30 cm x 153 cm, Wood, Japanese Paper, Iron, Mixed Media

There are many different reasons for immigration. But when they arrived in a new country, what is our feeling about them. We are welcoming them, or we are hating them… So many implicit emotions inside of us. This works keeping as a secret our honest thought, so no one can see them.

Photo by: Jordi NN and KMaack